My Diaryland

2:24 a.m. - 2024-03-30
Life without music

There was no Jam Social this week so I took the opportunity to catch up with Andy at his out of town studio. The visit was tinged with sad overtones because he confirmed the place is definitely closing by May this year. He's never really recovered the business since the pandemic and its no longer financially viable. It was his dream job running the studio and a way to bypass the 9-5 grind so many people have to live through in their working lives. He's loved every minute making and recording music with bands, and pre-pandemic he was able to make a living doing something he was passionate about. He's lived the dream and the thought of going back to a regular job fills him with dread at the age of 37. He's been his own boss for fifteen years now and is struggling to contemplate working for someone else.

I got some serious sonic testing done for recent projects and everything worked very well. I paid him for the studio hire despite him saying I could have it for free as a long time customer. Most of the night though was spent talking about music and reliving some good memories from times past. I've known Andy since 2013 and never seen him so worn down and defeated. In actual fact last night was probably the last time I will use his facility and I felt very sad about that fact. We talked till 1.30 am before I had to say goodbye and make my way home.

Saying all good things must come to an end seems a cop out for the loss of his livelihood and I think he knows that only too well. It just doesn't seem fair but then life isn't fair sometimes. He also said that he'd come to realise that he isn't any further forward in his life than when he first started the business. That's what is really eating him. He still lives with his mother, has never had time for a steady woman in his life due to the unsociable hours the music business demands, and all his contacts and friends are musicians. To not be involved in the music business will be a huge loss to him and I think he's also worried the contacts he's made might also be lost in time.

I tried my best to cheer him up and think of any parallels I could share with him from the tales of a noregular man. Perhaps starting from scratch with nothing after my divorce was the nearest I could think of. Even though I have never given up my music except for certain women on occasion, I have managed to fit in quite a fair wedge of extra non-musical interests in my life. Maybe if something is important enough to you, you always make time for it to happen.

Life without music for me during the few times I stupidly gave it up was unbearable. I really hope Andy doesn’t give up his music, but at present he doesn’t see any other way forward.



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