My Diaryland

9:35 a.m. - 2024-03-31
Full honesty mode

I was woken up at 6 am, well actually it should have been 5 am but the clocks went forward an hour for daylight saving time as it's the last Sunday in March. It was my buddy S sending a short video of his Saturday night out. A redneck band playing Sweet home Alabama with lots of people dancing around the bar, drinking, and having a good time. It could have been any live music bar just about anywhere in the western world on a Saturday night. But he was actually in a bar in Huntsville, Alabama with his American wife and her family as he is on vacation there at present. It's their sweet home. I suppose that is as authentic as it gets.

It's a beautiful spring morning here and the sunlight is shredding my blackout curtains as I sit up in bed drinking a hot sweet coffee, my first of the day. I got a new lens for my favourite little Pentax DSLR in the post yesterday, a used bargain and it all seems to work perfectly. So, I've decided to go out walking for the day and take some photos. My walking boots and rucksack, my Leki's , and my outdoor gear are all prepared downstairs. My camera bag is also packed and ready, and lunch was made in advance. My Sigg is chilling in the fridge. I just need to get dressed and make a flask of coffee and pack the car for a drive to the countryside.

We had a lover's tiff yesterday on the phone which is probably the worst place to have one. I told her I'd been to the cinema and in full honesty mode mentioned I had the company of a female friend. I haven't heard her loose her temper before and was sort of glad I wasn't there with her, but at the same time I wish I had been if that makes sense. It was a full on moody she threw, a temper tantrum extraordinaire. Her last words to me were " don't bother coming over to see me tomorrow" and she hung up on me. I called. It went straight to voicemail. I left a message. I sent her an iMessage. I sent her several more. She's read them but hasn't replied. I give up. I'm not going to pester her and I'm not a teenager anymore, and neither is she. So why does it feel like we are doing a teenager thing?

I feel like I’m in that twilight zone a dude sometimes finds himself in when these things happen. When she said don't bother coming over did she actually mean I should come over? If she doesn't reply to my messages should I be more apologetic with my next message? Should I grovel just to try and make peace?

Ocht, I'm not going to let it spoil what is a beautiful day here. If she wants to sulk then that's her prerogative.



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