My Diaryland

9:32 p.m. - 2024-03-06
Faceless Lovers

I've been a bit pre-occupied with the faceless lover dreams I've been having. So, I consulted the wonder that is the internet for meaningful insights or interpretation for my dreams. It's not that I'm not enjoying them, it's just disconcerting not knowing who I am, well you know, being very passionate with. I found a few references to this type of dream and I guess anyone can read into dreams what they want to, so I'm not going to ramble on about what I took from the interpretations I came across. The main thing is that it's nothing serious I should worry about at the moment and that is good enough for me. So what if I get a bit hot and sweaty at night having these sort of dreams? It could be worse, I could be dreaming of being chased by evil clowns or realising I forgot to put any clothes on to a job interview.

I met up with James, formerly of the Jam Social this afternoon after he finally replied to my messages from last week. He's changed his mobile number and had still to update the new number on his apps.

We met up at his ex wife's place to raid the garage and recover a set of powered PA speakers. I'd asked if I could borrow his speakers for this Sundays gig. Thankfully James' ex wasn't around at the time. I was concerned I might get caught up in a domestic if the two of them started arguing about marital affairs. They must have an understanding of sorts as he still has a full set of keys for her house and the outbuildings

We can't use the usual speakers as they belong to J our singer in the main band basically because he doesn't even know we have an another band. I doubt he'd agree to us using them if he did know.

I spent the evening through at my buddy S' place and we set up the replacement PA and tested it just to make sure everything was working ok.

I think spring is just around the corner. It was a beautiful dry sunny day and warm enough by 10 am to not need a jacket when I ventured out to the local store. It's cooled down considerably this evening, but the extra light during day time makes all the difference after such a dark and dreary winter.



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