My Diaryland

12:01 p.m. - 2024-02-14

I met the guys in our main gigging band last night for a rehearsal and it has been our first get together in some months. It was particularly memorable in that it was the first time I've seen Mike our drummer since he announced his retirement from all band activities by the close of 2024.
He was in good form and he had that sort of relieved and happy attitude that people often have when they finally decided to move on from a situation that they had lost enthusiasm for. I suppose it's like leaving a crap job, or indeed breaking up a relationship that wasn't going the way you had hoped. In essence, it's that feeling of release and the hope of something new and better taking it's place.

I wonder how many couples in the world will be going into Valentine's Day with doubts in their minds about where their relationships are going. Do they have what they want in life and are they asking themselves do I really love this person and do they really love me? I can visualise a couple sitting at a dinner table, gazing lovingly into each others eyes and she is saying to herself that he isn't potential husband/father material but I'll give him until September or until someone better comes along.

And he is thinking she looks lovely tonight and hoping he is on to a promise, but that cute brunette at the corner table is really hot! And they both stay with each other because their lives are too busy to expend the energy on looking for someone else to love and who will love them and give them everything they really desire. And they are both still single and pushing forty. Yes, thats all a bit pessimistic. There will be optimistic young lovers who can't wait to get dinner over and done with because they are just so loved up and they know they have all the time in the world to think about their future.

Anyhoo, one thing noticeable at last nights band jam was that everyone was trying so much harder than usual. We all had our playing game turned up to max and that was evident when we tried two new tunes for the first time. Crossroads by Cream and Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh. Both were near perfect first attempt and were nailed on the second attempt. That took all of twenty minutes to smash and it doesn't usually work out that way with new tunes.

Mike will be missed and its the plain truth that we all have a bit of a bromance going on in this band. Five years together performing all over the land does build relationships and in a band of musicians you all depend on each other to do your part. If one person doesn't pull their weight, the whole band falls apart. It's a situation where you can't hide away or pretend nothing is going wrong.

I won't be seeing Marion tonight other than a facetime call later this evening. We both shared our little spa break earlier in the week as a pre- Valentine's day treat. I did send her a card and organised some flowers to be delivered. It's the first time I've sent her roses and that is usually a significant move for me. I only ever send roses to people who have a special place in my heart. On this occasion it's yellow roses I'm sending, and I'm sure she will understand the significance attached to my gesture. There's plenty time yet before I get around to sending red roses. They are for another day that I hope will come.

The post was busy today, lots of bills as usual, and a happy Valentine's Day testing kit from the NHS Bowel Screening Programme. I'll leave that task for a few days as I'm not in the mood to be probing where the sun doesn't shine today. I also received a lovely and cute Valentine's Day card from Marion. I'm so pleased that she knows how to post a letter and actually write a little love note. It brought a tear to my eyes when I opened and read her letter. There was one fly in the ointment. There was another letter and when I opened it, inside was a very cryptic note in hand writing I did not recognise. It was a Valentine's Day card and it just said:

" Be my Valentine, be my lover, you know I don't want any other! " signed, your favourite secret admirer.

Well ok, I suppose the days of getting a sackful of unsolicited Valentine's Day cards from unknown admirer's is consigned to my past history. These days, unsolicited propositions through the post are deemed a little creepy. Even hand written love letters are deemed shady. It's just the times we live in and more is the pity that we don't write down our thoughts and feelings for a loved one for fear of ridicule.

I have no idea who my secret admirer is but it's more than likely a little bit of fun being played at my expense. Donna? Perhaps. Millicent? A distinct possibility. M? She has history of this sort of thing but she's changed since her engagement and become a more serious and professional young woman. I don't think it's her. To be honest, I don't really care. I've sent my card and my roses to the person who fills my thoughts. She is the one who makes me feel wonder in life again for the first time in so long.



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