My Diaryland

4:34 p.m. - 2024-02-15
Red Knob Twins

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and I can't remember that happening in living memory. Except for umm... a girl I once dated who always insisted on sleeping on the right side of the bed and made a big fuss about it. I can't even remember her name but remember there wasn't much more to that relationship than the sex. That was a long time ago. She was verging on bunny boiler material and used to show up at my apartment at strange times like 7 am on a Sunday morning or 10 pm on weekday nights, always claiming she was just passing by and thought she drop in to say hello, and for a good shagging. That was a near miss and I was glad when she got bored of me. I shall endeavour to wake up on the correct side of the bed tomorrow.

Anyhoo, I met up with James formerly of the Jam Social for a man meet, some man talk, and a pub lunch today. It gets both of us out of the house and the wee bar that's our regular venue in Stirling Town near the castle is also my main gigging bands spiritual home. Today's beer of choice with the meal was called the "Level Head Session IPA". Gorgeous it was too, and I could have sat there chatting with James and drinking it all day.

It was good to catch up with him again and I mentioned that Mrs.P had told me she had met him a few weeks back and asked him why he hadn't been over to the Jam Social in a while. Mrs.P isn't fully aware of the circumstances that led to James having a big fallout with everyone after the "Frankie Affair" last year. It was a bit awkward for him when she asked him over again and said he was always welcome. That's not going to happen anytime soon as there is still bad blood between James and Jamie. Mrs. P also let slip Frankie was coming back at the end of March and that makes a reunification even less likely, especially as James has no time for her at all. It's all a bit too complex and I'm caught in the middle as usual trying to keep everyone else sweet.

I also got recognised by two young forty somethings whose faces I kent from our live shows at the bar. They show up regularly and always dance the night away. We are big fans of the band they said, and introduced themselves and sat at our table for about fifteen minutes asking when we were playing there again. Early March is our next visit said I to the cute one. James wasn't impressed and barely said a word to the other girl and that's why they got up and went back to their own table as it was getting awkward. That wasn't before Pam, the cute one, slipped me her number on the back of a bar receipt. At least I know what she likes to drink now. I won't be calling her. I'll just have to explain I lost her number if she comes up to me at the next show.

I'm in trouble with my project schedule. Andy from the studio is haranguing me for updates on the repairs I'm doing for him. One item needs a new output module and thats going to cost minimum £300 + vat which I'm not going to pay for. The customer will have to stump up in advance and I'll install it for him. That seems to be a problem but i'm not going into the red. The big evil red knob twin is also turning into a nightmare project. That's also looking like it needs £200 in parts and i just can't afford to shell out that sort of expenditure and hope the customer will pay for it promptly once its fixed. I'll have to be a bit more choosy in what I get involved in project wise but isn't that always the case with projects. Scope creep is always a major issue when unforeseen things come to light.



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