My Diaryland

9:13 p.m. - 2011-01-08

I came back here tonight to read older entries after something I dreamed about just before the new year. My last visit was June 2010 in what was a bit of an odd time for me. It's obvious I was confused, possibly feeling a bit guilty for being a very naughty boy and trying to justify what I had been up to when in all reality I knew I had made a bit of a romantic faux pas. I wanted to remind myself that things were as I thought they were, and my dream wasn't just a dream. But it was as I thought, the ghastly truth.

Moving on, a few notable things happened since June that I maybe should have written about. That’s the thing with Diaryland...I don't feel the need to write about everything that happens these days and consequently I forget much of what has gone on in my life. I think the truth is that for the most part not a lot does actually happen. The only thing that has kept me relatively sane and given me the reason to keep going has been my children.

They're growing up so fast and I see so many changes that I realise it won't be so long before they begin to make adult decisions of their own. As a Father, I might begin to feel less useful and involved in their lives but at least I am a present father who cares. So many kids never have that in their lives.

A time will come where I will have to let them grow up into young adults. I may just return here again at some point when I feel like it but it's possible that six months may be a year next time. A new decade has dawned and I almost feel like joining in the wonder that is real life. Well almost.



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