My Diaryland

5:31 p.m. - 2024-04-12
The Weekenders

Myself and The Maid seem to be coming down with something after our travels. We both woke up with headaches and sore throats this morning. She's phoned in to work and pulled a sickie. I'm heading home this evening as I have business to attend to on Saturday that I can't put off any longer. Eight days straight with The Maid is a record for us so far, and it's passed so quickly. There have been a few little moments but it's really been a lesson in learning about each others foibles.

It feels all new and very different from seeing each other for long weekends. It's like learning to know someone all over again that you thought you already knew.

Being weekend lovers, we both always show our best selves for each other, because we know its only for a short time and we want everything to be perfect. It's very different maintaining that level of perfection in the real world. Life isn't perfect and love isn't perfect. I think we've both discovered more about each other in this last week being together than we have in the last few months.

I've forgotten so much of what it is like to live with someone, and forgotten so much of how married life was. I've enjoyed having my cake and eating it for so long that I wonder if I can still do what I'd deep down like to do. Every now and again I have flashbacks and recollections. The good times and the bad times, and the good points and the bad points of depending and relying completely on one person to be my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my solace, my catharsis, and my comforter when there are days all I desire and need is her arms around me to make the world feel like a better place.



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