My Diaryland

2:04 p.m. - 2024-04-03
Platonium Thinking

M gave me some unique insights into the female psyche during a conversation last night about maintaining platonic relationships with the opposite sex. It was illuminating to say the very least. It's also a subject close to her heart because her Boo maintains several close platonic relationships with women he has known for years. That they are all stunningly beautiful late twenties and early thirties single women did give M a few sleepless nights when she first started dating her Boo.

She still isn't overly keen about socialising with her Boo's platonic friend girls, however her solution to sound them out and get to know them was interesting. She hosted a cheese & wine party at their house and invited all her Boo's friend girls to attend. They all came along, made introductions and thankfully there were no husband stealers or femme fatale amongst them. It went someway to putting M's mind at rest. I was actually at said cheese & wine to make up the numbers on M's side. There were more women than men and I particularly enjoyed the attention I received as the token older man, much to M's annoyance.

I don't really see any chance of me introducing Marion to any of the women I have made friendships with over the years. To be honest, I don't think she is remotely interested. She is interested in family ties and has made that very clear but platonium fuelled relationships with ex girl friends aren't on her type approval list. No sir. I need to give this whole subject some very serious thought.

The extra daylight from turning the clock forward now means I can re-introduce my longer evening walking routes. I ventured out quite far last night and on the way home, I picked wild daffodils that were growing by the footpath. I remembered some tips a girl I once knew gave me of where to nip the stems, how to get wild flowers home before they wilted, and how to make sure there were no critters hiding in them that would end up buzzing all over the house the following day. I awoke to the scent and perfume of wild daffodils in my bedroom this morning and it was wonderful. Thankfully there were no critters buzzing around or creepy crawling everywhere.

Our singer J from the main band left a group message just before 7 am today announcing that he is also leaving the band. Myself and Mike had already given our notice to leave at the end of this year and honour several bookings we have for 2024. However, J says he is leaving now as of today. I sensed he was trying to sound as dramatic as possible. He likes to do so and did so once before when he announced he was leaving and returned the following week. It just means that myself and Mike will now not need to work our notice and we will have to cancel the shows we were already booked for. S is still in Alabama or more precisely Nashville as he sent a message yesterday to say he was staying over there last night. The local weather forecast was storms, giant hailstones and a strong likelihood of a tornado. Yikes.

He's going to be pissed at J's message because it was him who booked all the shows and he won't be pleased about having to cancel them. It's a weird thing that in working life and in band life there are many parallels. Some people in both walks of life feel they are more important than they really are. A manager I knew in my early working life once told me that no one is indispensable in working life. You leave, and someone takes your place. And everyone moves on. The job still gets done, it may not be done the same way but it still gets done. It's much the same in band life. Being a drama queen is never helpful but it takes every kind of people to make the world go around.



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