My Diaryland

8:11 a.m. - 2024-03-04
In the temple of self

I’m up with the larks this fine but cool sunny March morning. The first thing that popped into my head was an ex’s birthday. I’ve always remembered her as the bringer of sunshine into the early part of the year and of course I still remember her ability to bring a certain sunshine and warmth into my life. I may even send her a card for old time’s sake.

Late last night Jamie messaged me to ask how the show on Saturday had worked out. It was very thoughtful of him to ask and oddly enough I had just decided to hand in my notice as he contacted me. So it’s done. I will follow Mike’s lead and have said I’ll support the main band up until the end of 2024 but no further than that. The idea being it gives the remaining dudes time to replace me. Mike was the only band member who replied.

Historically, any band I’ve ever left of my own accord has fallen apart shortly afterwards. Jamie seemed shocked when I told him and I said I’d explain my decision to him at the next Jam Social.

Talking of Jam Social, last Friday’s get together did happen but it was a muted affair with just me, Jamie and Uncle Ross. Much talk, hilarity and tea drinking occurred while Empire biscuits and blueberry muffins were served to all. Very little jamming occurred.

We talked about Frankie’s imminent return to Scotland and there was news on that front. Her original plan to stay for six months has changed. She re-applied for a two year visa and has got word of approval already. It means her return is delayed now until July this year. She has a new girlfriend at present and told Jamie it would be hard to leave her behind. That won’t stop her, she is a free spirit and whatever her true motivation in life is, she worships only in the temple of self and always puts her own needs above all else.

She also needs somewhere to stay and has asked again if the Jam Social crew could rent her a room or at least put her up until she finds something a little more permanent for the two years she is planning to stay here. Jamie says I am the logical choice to offer as I have the room. We’ve been down this route before and it’s not going to happen. At best I’d not see her sleep on the street but it wouldn’t be more than a night or two I could offer her. She is resourceful and always finds her feet quickly, so I don’t see her having a problem finding somewhere to stay.

I’ve been working on the Trace Elliot’s for Marion’s dad and made some progress. Both have now been repaired and are working quite well considering they were rusting away for decades in a damp garage. The GP7 SM is getting re-covered in a fetching green faux leather vinyl today to give it a unique and classy TE vibe. New corners, a handle and rubber feet will finish it off. I’m pleased how the fix has gone and feel confident Marion and Malcolm will be surprised and hopefully pleased at the effort I’ve put in. The old MK4 GP11 could do with the same fit and finish but I’m undecided on that point. Its current well worn look has that vintage vibe and sometimes that can be a major selling point.

Both are good, electrically safe, and just need some high power testing to make sure I haven’t missed anything. It will be a day of work today and one day of graft every now and again isn’t so bad. I may even consider breaking a sweat. It keeps my mind from dwelling on the everyday grind of life for a little while at least. I have a Spotify playlist now playing. Music while I work is a must have, and the kettle is on for morning tea.



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