My Diaryland

12:30 a.m. - 2013-12-19

I just got back last night from my trip to Scotland to arrange Christmas time and to see my kids during the holidays. There was no sign of my wife anywhere when I returned. She's not answering her phone either. It took me until today to find the letter she left for me. It had fallen off the table onto the floor. Dear Paulina, my beautiful wife has gone home to Poland. She said she would contact me soon to tell me why. I'm devastated.

Everything is falling apart. My secondment at Goldman Sachs finishes in a fortnight after this whirlwhind year living and working in London. Our apartment in Bermondsey is in her name and next months rent is due. I don't know whether to stay another month or bail out now. She says she won't be back. Something terrible must have happened because she just wouldn't walk away like this. I know her too well. Or do I?

At least I managed to check in on my own place back home and the tenant has just moved out. If the worst comes to the worst I'll have somewhere to go back to and I know my old job in Edinburgh is waiting for me if I want it.

I can't believe this is happening to me. I had finally plucked up the courage to introduce Paulina to my kids at Christmas and tell my first wife that I had met and married a wonderful girl during my year in London. There must be a really good reason why she left. There must be. She wouldn't do this without one. She just wouldn't do this to me without one.



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