My Diaryland

9:10 a.m. - 2023-05-14
Donna doesn't do Diaryland

I keep thinking about yesterday mornings pillow talk. I was invited to add myself into her various social media profiles. FB, IG, TT, etc etc. Apparently it's cool to abbreviate these days rather than utter the full name of these apps. She rhymed off several other apps I'd never heard of and after a pause I said nope, I don't have any of these. She looked astonished and for a moment was lost for words.

You aren't like any other guy I've met she told me and by the look she gave me I suspect she still didn't fully believe me. How do you meet people she asked? Usually while shopping at IKEA I replied. She laughed and said you must do something online, everyone does something online these days.

She was right, most people have some sort of online presence nowadays and while I have always been careful to limit what I do online, dear old Diaryland immediately came to mind. But I never tell anyone about this place or that I write stuff here. Only a very few people would recognise me and all of them have left Diaryland long ago or forgotten me. I like it like that and I never told her about this place. I managed to fob her off with a Soundcloud account that I have and she was appeased with that.

Dinosaur and fossil came to mind and I know I am extinct as far as many people from my past are concerned. I don't mind though. Her name also ended in the letter A so this encounter is more or less doomed before it goes anywhere. Again, I don't mind. It's been fun and a reminder for me to take life as easy it comes and as easy as it goes.



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