My Diaryland

6:07 p.m. - 2024-03-22
She's a little runaway

It's Jam Social time tonight and its only happening because Jamie got the dates mixed up for the Simple Minds gig which is next week, and not this Friday. Uncle Ross won't be around so it could be a bit of an experimental jam tonight.

The Cardiff consignment arrived early and I've been working hard all day, well as hard as doing stuff at my own pace is. In reality it's chill city. It would be more accurate to say I've been enthusiastically engrossed and enjoying the project which is as good as it gets with a job of work. A quick turnaround on this latest project should be possible and profitable. It's also my specialist subject so knowing kit inside out helps to get a good quick return.

I'd dialled up some rather old school tunes to listen to while I was working today and just as Runaway by Bon Jovi came on the speakers, I was walking from the kitchen to the work room and stubbed my toe hard on the vacuum cleaner which I hadn't stowed away properly from last night during a small cleaning emergency.

It was that sort of stub your toe pain that was so painful I couldn't even utter a word or indeed scream some gratuitous swear words. I just hopped about and the pain suddenly reminded me of someone from my past when at the same time Mr JBJ sang the line She's a little runaway.

She was indeed a little runaway and had a knack for causing toe stubbing amounts of pain to the people who knew her. Running away was the best thing she ever did. It's odd how these little earthly coincidences can jog my memory. Who'd have thought John Bon Jovi and a Dyson vacuum cleaner working in unison could bring back such a painful memory.

My big toe is twice normal size at present and I did eventually swear out loudly as the pain subsided to swearing levels. My heart also recovered very quickly. It can do that these days because it knows she is far far away. The one thing with running away from life is that once you start running, you never stop. Everyone at some point has to come back and face what they are running away from.



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