My Diaryland

3:25 p.m. - 2024-03-20
Woman's Hour Part 2

If your own writing gets you excited and embarrasses you, you're on the right track.

Kungfu Kitten

It's been a gloriously normal day today so far. Waking from twelve hours straight of slumber in a warm cosy bed, and where I could have remained easily for another twelve hours was just so easy. I did have normal things to do, some chores, making soup, and tending to some online items that in all reality only needed a non urgent response.

It may not seem like it sometimes, but I do have a second editorial scanning what I post here. A wise old sage who knows me inside out and top to bottom in as many ways as you care to imagine that might suggest. She tells me when I should consider Archiving a post if its too racy or to make occasional changes to certain wordings. She hasn't said much in recent times because she knows I managed to cut loose from my past in a big way at the end of last year. On the whole, things have been less controversial since. However, I did get a message from her last night to say I might consider a slight editorial to my Woman's Hour post.

Using the V word or the P word when referring to our respective naughty parts is still largely taboo in todays modern world, except perhaps in the confines of discussions by medical professionals or it would seem on serious radio programmes. So I have relented in this case to her wisdom. Just for the record, I don't choose to listen to Woman's Hour, it just always seems to be on if I'm out driving in the car as I do listen to radio 4 on the Beeb from time to time. Oddly enough, there was a very interesting story on the BBC website today by Emma Barnett, the presenter of the Woman's Hour programme. I won't discuss it but it was a touching story from the presenters own experiences. The link is here.

My daily smile was courtesy of something I saw when I went out to the car to retrieve a rucksack I'd left inside the other day. Perfectly formed palm prints all over the driver's side window and very obviously visible, and they weren't mine either.



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