My Diaryland

4:42 p.m. - 2024-03-16
are we not amused and entertained?

Jam Socialing last night was mostly all socialising again. There's a sense of apathy creeping in to the evenings where jamming is concerned. Jamie is really struggling work wise and has basically been exhausted by Friday evenings. Ross is showing signs of his previous behaviour where he says he is thinking of leaving again because the new tunes aren't happening. John appeared last night for the first time in several weeks and also seemed in a deflated mood. We did however get an hour of playing in so it wasn't a complete loss. Talk of Frankie's return was again near the top of discussion topics. She's apparently extended her visa request to three years now and her date to travel is now put back further.

I couldn't care less if she comes or not but Ross and Jamie are holding on for her return. I hope they aren't disappointed if she decides not to visit after all. Jamie still has the suitcase she left at the studio last August so if she does want her case back and whatever is inside it, she will have to visit Jamie at least. The contents of the case have made for some interesting and humorous discussion. Is it full of her dirty laundry or maybe contraband of some sort, or drugs, or something she didn't think would get through customs? Many things have been suggested and we have all goaded Jamie into opening it to see what is in there. Of course he hasn't opened it but i know he would like to see the contents. Even Mrs P suggested to Frankie that if there was laundry needing done, she would open the case and be happy do it. Frankie declined and said there was nothing needing attention that couldn't wait.

I'm choring like mad today. Two weeks of backlog need sorted before I travel down to her place later tonight. Time has been at a premium this last two weeks and if I can get through this weekend, the next month or so should get back to normal sleepyville status. I'm looking forward to some late morning rises from slumber. Getting up early before 10 AM in recent weeks has made me feel sleep deprived.

I'm also a little behind again with project work and I have some paying customer projects on the go. I'm going to have a look at the Eden WT550 today before I leave for Peebles but its a tricky and complex item. I may need to put it off till next week when I hope to have more time available. That means telling the customer it will be with me another week. I don't expect he will be happy as it's his main gigging amp and his livelihood.

I shouldn't be working the weekend anyway but well you know, the customer is king and I do enjoy the work. It's just that time seems in short supply at the moment and I feel unrested and not totally clear minded. I also don't want to show up at her place and promptly fall asleep on the sofa when she is expecting me to be fit and ready to amuse and entertain her for the next two nights. I may have to feign a headache if I'm too tired.

M says I should get a treadmill for the house to help keep my fitness levels up. She and her boo got one as well as a peloton and they do an hour before work in the morning and another hour in the evening after dinner. She says they both feel all the better for it. It's an idea I shall consider. For now I'll get in 20 sit-ups, forty press-ups and I'll run up and down the stairs a few times for goods measure.



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