My Diaryland

5:45 p.m. - 2024-03-11
Welcome back from the abyss, old friend

Well there you go. I guess I am actually addicted to this place. One day without it, actually it was out for more than 24 hours, I was fearing the worst, and starting to get withdrawal symptoms. I was also all ready to write enormous big goodbye waffles and fond farewell's to in all actuality the very few. At least there were no declarations of love to be made that had never been made. Or no declarations of good riddance, although I might have been due a few of them myself.

Diaryland, what will I do without you? I guess there were probably a few other real Diaryland regulars who were sweating that two decades of entries may have gone in an instant. At least two users will have seen an entry from me that shall never appear here and I'm just going to leave it at that.

Welcome back from the abyss, old friend. And I don't mean YOU, I mean Diaryland! 😊



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