My Diaryland

3:19 p.m. - 2024-01-25
By the light of the silvery moon

There was a full moon last night and I switched ends on my bed, curtains opened so I could look out the window into the night sky, see the stars, and be bathed in pale silvery blue moonlight as I slipped into dreamland. It reminded me of someone from my long ago where I'd stayed awake all night just to watch her sleep under the spell of pale blue moonbeams casting their shadowy glow over her face and the pillow she rested on. Dear Jennifer, sigh. That really was a very long time past and I should write about those times soon before I forget.

Alan, our new drummer is back home from hospital and seems to be on the mend. They found out what was wrong with him and it was touch and go whether he would need surgery. In the end the medics managed to resolve the problem without him going under the knife. He says he wants to get back into the band as soon as possible but I have reservations about that. He had been overdoing it which is what brought on the issue in the first place. The rest of the band are now uneasy about having him as our drummer. The possibility of him keeling over during a three hour show makes us all very nervous. It's being discussed at present by the rest of the band and no one wants to sack him but sometimes tough decisions have to be made.

There was a message from Donna on my phone this morning. She said she didn't deserve to be treated so warmly when we met yesterday after the way she treated me last year. She apologised and asked if we could keep in touch and maybe be friends. She also said that I was too nice for my own good. I should be tougher and not let people walk all over me as much. We aren't all delicate, fragile and emotional creatures who will cry if we don't get our way she said. Sometimes we just need to be told straight how it is like anyone else.

It sounded like maybe she was trying to speak on behalf of all women kind and maybe with the best of intentions rather than admitting how she is as a person. I got the message. I could be wrong but I think she might just care a little. I would never have expected that from her and I'm wondering if something in her has changed since knowing me. I won't give myself the credit for that but if there is a possibility of a real friendship, I'll take that in a minute.



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