My Diaryland

12:53 a.m. - 2024-01-20
The Omnishambles

Friday nights Jam Social was a complete omnishambles. Once again Jason and to a lesser extent Ian completely disrupted the proceedings. Jason managed six cans of cider before he couldn't play anything or talk coherently. Jamie was furious and started to get a bit narky with everyone despite knowing exactly where the disruption was coming from.

I guess that its always contentious pointing the finger at someone you've known from school age and was your best pal for years. I think though Jamie had reached his limit of patience last night. I just sat in the corner with a cup of tea and an empire biscuit and wrote in my Apple Journal for nearly an hour. No one even noticed me because they were all too busy arguing about nothing and getting nowhere.

I'm glad its Saturday and I have the weekend to recharge. It's been an exhausting week.



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