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7:16 p.m. - 2022-11-21
A narrow escape

I did a little project work this morning and had offered to drive noregular son to his dental checkup in the next town this afternoon. As I was walking along the street to my car, I saw Millie coming towards me and I took fright and hid behind a tree so that she wouldn't see me. It worked and she walked past oblivious to the fact I was hiding from her. My neighbour T suddenly appeared and asked me why I was cowering behind a large tree and laughed. She looked around but Millie was long gone by then and I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I'm sure she thinks I'm a bampot and she may be onto something.

I'd no idea Millie was back in town again and I found out later that she is visiting a mutual friend and staying over for a few days. There was a time where I would welcome company where the sole purpose was to fool around with me and jump on my bones whenever I came into her sights. She's so demanding, seems to have a rather unhealthy obsession with me, and won't take no for an answer.

It's changed days when I have to hide behind trees in the street to avoid the whirlwind force of nature that is Millicent.

Later, I waited in a cafe in town while noregular son had his dental checkup and browsed D-Land posts on my phone to pass the time. Everything went well for him and he's back home with some pain control to help him get through the night.

I've re-enabled the block on a certain persons number and invoked anti Millie measures eg pulled the blackout curtains over to make it look like I'm not home and made sure all doors and windows are secured.

The local bakers shop have special Christmas offers starting tomorrow on their rather excellent shortcrust xmas mince pies. I was hoping to take advantage of that offer. However, I may need to work on a strategy and an alternative route that bypasses the high street to avoid any chance of running into you know who.



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